Nanoleaf Matter Smart Multicolor Outdoor String Lights: Party on

[ad_1] Already known for all sorts of innovative smart lighting, Nanoleaf unveiled its first outdoor string lights at CES 2024 in January. But now you can finally buy them to dress up your yard or patio in time for spring. Nanoleaf Matter Smart Multicolor Outdoor String Lights come in three lengths. Nanoleaf Matter Smart Multicolor … Read more

A new Gmail feature could soon make it way easier to manage your subscriptions

[ad_1] Google is reportedly working on a new way to help users bring order to their messy Gmail accounts on mobile. Initially discovered by industry expert AssembleDebug, a “Manage Subscriptions” section will be added to the app’s sidebar menu, housing all of the newsletters and promotions you receive. Tapping the option takes you to a … Read more

Apple III motherboard gets bizarre ‘fix’

[ad_1] April 15, 1981: Apple CEO Mike Markkula defends the struggling Apple III with a surprisingly straightforward admission. The comment comes even as the company pushes an unorthodox “fix” for the Apple III motherboard, which tends to overheat due to a questionable design. “It would be dishonest for me to sit here and say that … Read more

Disney Plus rumored plans prove the further we get from cable, the closer we get to cable

[ad_1] Streaming television was supposed to kill cable and broadcast TV. Ad-free, endless choice, on-demand, and on your schedule meant the no-compromises television experience of our dreams. Except it hasn’t quite turned out that way and now it’s starting to look like the old models, the ones that buoyed cable and broadcast television for decades … Read more

X May Charge New Users a ‘Small Fee’ to Post, Like and Reply

[ad_1] Social media platform X (formerly Twitter) will soon begin charging new users “a small fee” for posting content and liking, replying, and bookmarking tweets, according to CEO Elon Musk. X Daily News, a feed that posts X updates, today noticed that text strings on the website have been updated to mention a small annual … Read more

Dell curved 4K monitor makes fine external display

[ad_1] A Dell curved 4K monitor — especially a big 40-incher — can make an excellent external display, if today’s featured MacBook Air and MacBook Pro setup is any indication. The user put the dramatic display together with a 27-inch 4K monitor after trying two other configurations.  This post contains affiliate links. Cult of Mac … Read more

Enabot Ebo SE pet robot review: the catsitter I didn’t know I needed but can’t live without

[ad_1] Two-minute review Being a cat owner is a joy like no other, but I miss my cat so, so much when I’m away even just for a day. That’s why the Enabot Ebo SE pet robot is a literal must-have in my cat-crazy household.  This small and sweet little robot doesn’t have an adorable … Read more

Deals on M1 iMacs could net you a colorful desktop computer

[ad_1] Yellow is just one of several fun color choices. Photo: Apple Amazon budget website Woot! is a terrific resource for great deals on used, refurbished and new Apple gear. This week you can get a choice of deals on M1 iMacs. They’re “new,” as in apparently nobody bought them in the past few years. … Read more

Humane AI Pin review roundup: an undercooked flop that’s way ahead of its time

[ad_1] The Humane AI Pin is a fascinating little device for gadget fans. If you missed its reveal in November 2023, it’s a tiny wearable computer with a built-in AI assistant, camera, and a little projector that blasts its UI onto your hand. Unfortunately, it’s also pretty terrible, according to the internet’s first reviews, which … Read more