Ver: “Lead with Love 5” organizado por KTLA para Angel Food Project

[ad_1] Por quinto año consecutivo, KTLA 5 presentó el programa de televisión repleto de estrellas “Lead with Love”. Proyecto Ángel de la Alimentación Proporcionado por el Banco Nacional de la Ciudad. A los presentadores Steven Weber y Jessica Holmes se unieron los copresentadores Loni Love y Alec Mapa y la presentadora de radio Lisa Fox. … Read more

Submarine and terrestrial cable damages lead recent internet disruptions

[ad_1] Submarine and terrestrial cables carry communications signals, such as internet traffic, across oceans and over land – and are often heavily insulated to prevent them from being damaged. However, with enough determination and a little bit of ingenuity even cables in the deepest waters can be damaged, whether intentionally or not. The latest report … Read more

CISOs are nervous Gen AI use could lead to more security breaches

[ad_1] Chief Information Security Officers (CISO) are becomingly ever more concerned the increasing use of Generative AI tools could lead to more cybersecurity incidents. A new pape by security experts Metomic surveying more than 400 CISOs in the UK and the US found security breaches linked to generative AI worry almost three-quarters (72%) of the … Read more

Netflix’s Wednesday season 2 cast clicks into gear with Westworld star addition as Apple’s Neuromancer series finds its lead

[ad_1] There’s good news for fans of William Gibson’s fictional AI Neuromancer and Wednesday, the ongoing tales of Charles Addams’ creepy and kooky family. Both shows’ already impressive casts have just announced some equally impressive new additions.  First up, BAFTA award-nominated Callum Turner from Masters of the Air and The Boys in the Boat is … Read more

Do climate lawsuits lead to action? Researchers assess their impact

[ad_1] Climate litigation is in the spotlight again after a landmark decision last week. The top European human-rights court deemed that the Swiss government was violating its citizens’ human rights through its lack of climate action. The case, brought by more than 2,000 older women, is one of more than 2,300 climate lawsuits that have … Read more

the $400-million grant setback that shaped the Smithsonian lead scientist’s career

[ad_1] Losing a funding competition didn’t set Ellen Stofan back — instead, she did a career pivot, and came across new opportunities.Credit: NASA/Joel Kowsky In 2021, planetary scientist Ellen Stofan was appointed undersecretary of science and research at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington DC, the US national research and museum complex. There, she oversees its … Read more

AI can help to tailor drugs for Africa — but Africans should lead the way

[ad_1] Genetic differences between individuals can affect how they respond to drugs.Credit: Jekesai Njikizana/AFP/Getty How a person will respond to a drug is, in part, determined by their genetics. Africa holds the world’s most genetically diverse human population, and the United Nations estimates that, by 2050, the continent will be home to nearly 25% of … Read more

AI will lead to cut in human workers, executives admit

[ad_1] New research has found implementing AI tools across various business functions is likely to reduce human workforces over the next five years. The survey from Adecco of senior-level execs from 2,000 large companies worldwide alluded to AI’s negative impacts on the workforce after many had eased their concerns in recent months, and many more … Read more

Who should lead your AI initiative?

[ad_1] With the rapid rise in AI and generative AI, enterprises who initially experimented with select AI use cases are now reimagining company-wide processes and strategies for how the business fundamentally operates. McKinsey estimates that in the enterprise, AI adoption has more than doubled since 2017 with investments going up each year. AI will continue … Read more