Submarine and terrestrial cable damages lead recent internet disruptions

Submarine and terrestrial cable damages lead recent internet disruptions

Submarine and terrestrial cables carry communications signals, such as internet traffic, across oceans and over land – and are often heavily insulated to prevent them from being damaged. However, with enough determination and a little bit of ingenuity even cables in the deepest waters can be damaged, whether intentionally or not. The latest report from … Read more

Japanese scientists close in on petabit-class submarine cable tech set to revolutionize Internet speeds — NEC and NTT managed to shuttle hundreds of terabits over thousands of kilometers thanks to a clever algorithm

Japanese scientists close in on petabit-class submarine cable tech set to revolutionize Internet speeds — NEC and NTT managed to shuttle hundreds of terabits over thousands of kilometers thanks to a clever algorithm

To cope with the demand for international bandwidth almost doubling every two years, Japanese corporations NEC and NTT have successfully trialed a revolutionary submarine cable technology set to drastically enhance internet speeds under the sea.  The transoceanic-class experiment transmitted hundreds of terabits across a staggering 7,280km, a feat made possible through a sophisticated algorithm. NEC … Read more