Google Maps is getting 3 big features to help you plan vacation more easily

Google Maps is getting 3 big features to help you plan vacation more easily

With the summer season just around the corner, people will soon start exploring places for their vacations, which means that the usage of Google Maps is going to shoot up. Right before that happens, Google has announced that it is adding three new features to Google Maps for Android and iOS, which will make the … Read more

Galaxy A54’s camera can easily keep up with the newer A55

Galaxy A54’s camera can easily keep up with the newer A55

Although the new Galaxy A55 from Samsung seems to be wiping the floor with the older Galaxy A54 in the display department, the same cannot be said about the cameras. According to independent reviewer DxOMark, the Galaxy 54 and A55 camera systems perform almost the same. These results aren’t all that surprising, seeing how the … Read more

Easily convert your old Samsung Galaxy phone into a desktop PC

Easily convert your old Samsung Galaxy phone into a desktop PC

If you are lucky enough to have an old Samsung Galaxy phone collecting dust in a desk drawer or shelf, you might be interested to know that you can re-purpose it to become a desktop PC. The powerful Android phone can easily be transformed into a fully functional desktop computer if your Samsung Galaxy phone … Read more

Easily backup your phone using the PhotoCube PD+

Easily backup your phone using the PhotoCube PD+

In today’s digital age, where our mobile phones are brimming with precious memories and critical information, securing our data has become more important than ever. The PhotoCube PD+ emerges as a smart solution for those who want to keep their mobile data safe without relying on cloud storage. This innovative device offers a straightforward way … Read more

Easily manage your dotfiles with GNU Stow

Easily manage your dotfiles with GNU Stow

If you’ve ever found yourself frustrated with the tedious task of managing configuration files, or “dotfiles,” across various systems, you’re not alone. Many developers, system administrators, and tech enthusiasts struggle with keeping their environments consistent. Fortunately, there’s a tool that can help simplify this process: GNU Stow. This utility is designed to streamline the way … Read more

Easily integrate AI into your applications for free using CopilotKit

Easily integrate AI into your applications for free using CopilotKit

With new artificial intelligent (AI) applications being developed on a daily basis, staying ahead of the curve is crucial for developers. CopilotKit is a new tool that’s making waves among developers for its ability to seamlessly blend AI into applications. CopilotKit allows developers to create AI-enabled applications by incorporating a GPT-based AI agents into their software. The … Read more

Easily build no-code AI Agent automations using drag-and-drop

Easily build no-code AI Agent automations using drag-and-drop

Imagine a world where the power of artificial intelligence (AI) is at your fingertips, even if you’ve never written a line of code. That’s the promise of Flowise, an innovative platform that’s making waves by allowing users to create AI agents with ease. With its intuitive drag-and-drop interface, Flowise is opening doors for those brimming … Read more

Easily build full stack AI apps using Gradient

Easily build full stack AI apps using Gradient

Developers, engineers and AI enthusiasts looking to build full stack applications powered by artificial intelligence, might be interested to know that the development team at Gradient has introduced a new set of tools known as accelerator blocks. Designed to simplify the process of building full stack AI applications these AI tools are perfect for professionals who … Read more

How to easily fine tune AI to write in your style

How to easily fine tune AI to write in your style

Using the same AI model again and again can produce very similar results. However there are very easy ways to fine-tune artificial intelligence to create better results and write articles, content and even books in your own writing style. Writers now have unprecedented access to sophisticated AI tools that can adapt to their unique styles … Read more

Easily create AI automations using no-code drag-and-drop

Easily create AI automations using no-code drag-and-drop

If you are searching for ways to quickly create autonomous AI workflows using an easy-to-use drag-and-drop user interface. To help improve your productivity, business processes or everyday tasks. Leap AI is at the cutting edge of no code AI automations, offering a platform that greatly simplifies the process of creating AI workflows. The Leap AI platform … Read more