El disfraz de Discovery insinuó su verdadera identidad como Brain

[ad_1] En un episodio reciente de “Trek”. “La habitación preparada con Wil Wheaton” Tran explicó cómo creó el vestuario para Moll y L'ak, que, según dijo, le fueron descritos como “los Bonnie y Clyde del futuro”. Si bien citó a las pandillas de motociclistas como la principal inspiración para los atuendos del dúo, Tran también … Read more

Cubic millimetre of brain mapped in spectacular detail

[ad_1] Researchers have mapped a tiny piece of the human brain in astonishing detail. The resulting cell atlas, which was described today in Science1 and is available online, reveals new patterns of connections between brain cells called neurons, as well as cells that wrap around themselves to form knots, and pairs of neurons that are … Read more

‘Inspired by the human brain’: Intel debuts neuromorphic system that aims to mimic grey matter with a clear aim — making the machine exponentially faster and much more power efficient, just like us

[ad_1] Neuromorphic computing is about mimicking the human brain’s structure to deliver more efficient data processing, including faster speeds and higher accuracy, and it’s a hot topic right now. A lot of universities and tech firms are working on it, including scientists at Intel who have built the world’s largest “brain-based” computing system for Sandia … Read more

Mini-colon and brain ‘organoids’ shed light on cancer and other diseases

[ad_1] Part of a brain organoid made using human stem cells (purple).Credit: Steve Gschmeissner/Science Photo Library Researchers have hailed organoids — 3D clusters of cells that mimic aspects of human organs — as a potential way to test drugs and even eliminate some forms of animal experimentation. Now, in two studies published on 24 April … Read more

Why queasiness kills hunger: brain circuit identified

[ad_1] No one wants to eat when they have an upset stomach. To pinpoint exactly where in the brain this distaste for eating originates, scientists studied nauseated mice. The work, published in Cell Reports on 27 March1, describes a previously uncharacterized cluster of brain cells that fire when a mouse is made to feel nauseous, … Read more

COVID ‘brain fog’ linked to brain inflammation

[ad_1] Hello Nature readers, would you like to get this Briefing in your inbox free every day? Sign up here. Surgeons at Xijing Hospital in Xi’an, China, performed the first transplantation of a non-human liver into a human body.Credit: Xijing Hospital, Air Force Medical University in Xi’an China Surgeons in China say they have transplanted … Read more

BMW’s Vision Neue Klasse X Has a Car-Wide Screen and a ‘Joy’ Brain

[ad_1] “The ‘heart of joy’ effectively takes 30 years of experience and blends it into a single control unit,” BMW chief technical officer Frank Weber tells WIRED. “Everything that is driving-performance-related, chassis-control-related, powertrain-related—it’s all integrated into one control unit. If you love the idea of the ultimate driving machine, there are functions in there that … Read more

CAR T cells can shrink deadly brain tumours — though for how long is unclear

[ad_1] A glioblastoma (green and blue, artificially coloured) grows in the frontal lobe of a person’s brain.Credit: Pr Michel Brauner, ISM/Science Photo Library Two preliminary studies suggest that next-generation engineered immune cells show promise against one of the most feared forms of cancer. A pair of papers published on 13 March, one in Nature Medicine1 … Read more

How the brain coordinates speaking and breathing

[ad_1] MIT researchers have discovered a brain circuit that drives vocalization and ensures that you talk only when you breathe out, and stop talking when you breathe in. The newly discovered circuit controls two actions that are required for vocalization: narrowing of the larynx and exhaling air from the lungs. The researchers also found that … Read more