Black Water: Abyss OTT Fecha de lanzamiento: cuándo y dónde ver el thriller de terror inglés

[ad_1] Lanzado originalmente en 2020, el thriller de terror inglés Black Water: Abyss está listo para llegar al público indio a través de plataformas de transmisión. Dirigida por Andrew Traucki, la película combina suspenso con una atmósfera claustrofóbica, una aterradora historia de supervivencia ambientada en un remoto sistema de cuevas australiano. es la india el … Read more

American Water Company fue víctima de un ciberataque que provocó que algunos sistemas dejaran de funcionar

[ad_1] American Water Works, la mayor empresa pública de agua y aguas residuales de Estados Unidos, confirmó sus dificultades Ataque cibernético Lo que le obligó a cerrar partes de su infraestructura. en Formulario 8-K En su presentación ante la Comisión de Bolsa y Valores de EE. UU. (SEC), la compañía dijo que detectó “actividad no … Read more

Una historia real basada en la película de terror Open Water.

[ad_1] “Open Water” se basa libremente en la historia real de Tom y Eileen Lonergan. En 1998, la familia Lonergan realizó un viaje de buceo a la Gran Barrera de Coral de Australia. Durante el vuelo, se produjo un error de personal y los Lonergan se quedaron atrás accidentalmente. La tripulación del barco no se … Read more

Matter 1.3 Specification Adds Energy Reporting, Electric Vehicle Charging, Water Management Support and More

[ad_1] The Connectivity Standards Alliance (CSA) today announced the debut of a new Matter 1.3 specification that’s available for device makers and platforms. Matter is a smart home protocol that allows smart devices to work across multiple platforms, including HomeKit. Matter 1.3 adds support for a range of new device types and features, including water … Read more

Apple Boosts Efforts in Renewable Energy and Water Sustainability

[ad_1] Apple is intensifying its global investment in clean energy and water sustainability, advancing towards its “Apple 2030” goal of achieving carbon neutrality across its entire value chain by the decade’s end, the company has announced. “Clean energy and water are foundational to healthy communities and essential building blocks for a responsible business,” said Lisa … Read more

Brazil budget cuts could leave science labs without power and water

[ad_1] More than three months into 2024, politicians in Brazil are still at odds about how much money the country’s research institutes and federal universities will receive this year. Scientists say that unless more funding is found, they won’t have enough money to cover basic expenses such as water, electricity and financial aid for students. … Read more

Samsung will use sewage water to quench surging thirst for semiconductors — 400 million liters of waste water to be purified and used daily to manufacture electronic chips

[ad_1] The semiconductor industry is notorious for its massive water consumption, with each chip requiring thousands of gallons of ultrapure water for production. Ultrapure water (UPW) refers to water that has undergone purification to eliminate impurities, including fine particles and microorganisms, leaving behind only the fundamental hydrogen and oxygen molecules that make up H2O. In … Read more

How to achieve safe water access for all: work with local communities

[ad_1] More than two billion people worldwide lack access to reliable, safe drinking water. Challenges around managing water resources are complex and wide-ranging. They are interlinked with those affecting land and food systems and are exacerbated by the climate crisis. Four scholars propose ways to prompt progress in water governance — and highlight just how … Read more

US government warns water services are being targeted in cyberattacks

[ad_1] The US government has issued a warning to its allies that state-backed hackers from Iran and China are increasingly targeting critical infrastructure, with the most notable attacks against water systems. The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) probed a number of Iranian attacks targeting Unitronic programmable logic controllers (PLC) used in water facilities. China … Read more

Vitaloop 5 stage filtration water bottle

The Vitaloop water purification system is a state-of-the-art filter water bottle, specifically designed to make it easy to purify and consume water wherever you may be. This innovative product, with its one-touch technology, can transform water from various sources into pure, safe drinking water in just 45 seconds. The bottle’s design and technology eliminate the … Read more