OpenAI podría lanzar pronto un lanzador de herramientas proxy de IA

[ad_1] AbiertoAI Podría lanzar su propia herramienta de inteligencia artificial que, en teoría, podría realizar tareas de forma autónoma controlando su dispositivo. Los informes indicaron que la herramienta está a punto de lanzarse. TechCrunch Libros, por ejemplo.La herramienta, denominada Operador, parece estar “a punto de ser lanzada”, según Tibor Blaho, un ingeniero de software que … Read more

El grupo de hackers Midnight Blizzard está secuestrando servidores proxy RDP para lanzar ataques de malware

[ad_1] Trend Micro detecta una sofisticada campaña de phishing dirigida a objetivos militares y gubernamentales Utiliza casi 200 servidores proxy RDP para llegar a los puntos finales El número total de víctimas asciende a cientos Una amenaza persistente avanzada, conocida como Midnight. ventiscaHAS lanzó un ataque de phishing a gran escala dirigido a gobiernos, organizaciones … Read more

Security flaw in popular proxy service leaves 50,000 hosts vulnerable

[ad_1] More than half of Tinyproxy service hosts are running a flawed version which hackers could use in remote code execution attacks, a new report from researchers from Cisco Talos has claimed. Tinyproxy is a lightweight HTTP/HTTPS proxy server commonly used to improve internet access speed by caching frequently accessed web pages, filtering out unwanted … Read more

VPN vs. SOCKS 5 Proxy

In the ever-evolving landscape of the internet, website and mobile application testing have become crucial steps in ensuring a seamless user experience. However, geographical restrictions can often hinder this process. In this article, we’ll explore two powerful tools for overcoming these restrictions: Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) and SOCKS 5 Proxies. vclub login What Is a … Read more

How to Get the Client IP in ASP.NET Core Even Behind a Proxy

When building web applications with ASP.NET Core, it is often useful to know the IP address of the client/user making the HTTP request. The client IP address can be used for various purposes like implementing IP address based access restrictions, analytics, logging, security etc. However, determining the actual client IP can be tricky if the … Read more