An ancient Linux flaw might be opening up users to dangerous cyberattacks

Many versions of Linux may be vulnerable to a flaw that allowed hackers to steal passwords, or change the contents of their clipboard. The vulnerability, however, comes with a major caveat that makes exploitations somewhat unlikely (or at least heavily limited). Cybersecurity researcher Skyler Ferrante recently discovered an “improper neutralization of escape sequences in wall” … Read more

Tim Cook Visits China Ahead of New Apple Store Opening in Shanghai

Apple CEO Tim Cook is touring Shanghai, China this week, meeting with retail employees, suppliers, developers, the film industry, and others. He has been sharing photos from his trip on Chinese social media platform Weibo. Cook’s visit is timed with the upcoming grand opening of Apple’s new Jing’an store in Shanghai on Thursday, March 21 … Read more

Samsung opening Galaxy Experience Spaces for Galaxy S24

Samsung will unveil its new Galaxy S24 range of smartphones on the 17th of January and now it has announced the launch of new Samsung Galaxy Experience Spaces for the new smartphones launch. The new Galaxy Experience Spaces will be launching around the world, they are coming to London, Dubai, New York, Paris, Seoul, Barcelona, … Read more

OpenAI custom GPT Store opening next week

Our lives and artificial intelligence sector is on the edge of an exciting new chapter with the impending launch of OpenAI’s GPT Store. This innovative platform is poised to become a central hub for applications driven by Generative Pre-trained Transformers, or GPTs. As developers and tech enthusiasts eagerly anticipate its arrival, it’s crucial to understand … Read more