Humanity Protocol recauda 30 millones de dólares a medida que una startup de identidad digital basada en Blockchain alcanza el estatus de Unicornio

Humanity Protocol, una solución de identidad descentralizada, ha recaudado 30 millones de dólares (alrededor de 250 millones de rupias) en una nueva ronda de financiación liderada por Kingsway Capital y la startup alcanzó el estatus de unicornio cuando su valoración cruzó la marca de los mil millones de dólares (alrededor de 8.350 millones de rupias). … Read more

Top AI researcher says AI will end humanity and we should stop developing it now — but don’t worry, Elon Musk disagrees

Here’s something cheery to consider the next time you use an AI tool. Most people involved in artificial intelligence think it could end humanity. That’s the bad news. The good news is that the odds of it happening vary wildly depending on who you listen to. p(doom) is the “probability of doom” or the chances … Read more

Engineers enlist NASA to send yet another time capsule to the moon — 24 sapphire discs will contain ‘the very essence of humanity’ printed over 170 billion pixels but who will read them?

NASA, in collaboration with a team of international scientists, researchers, designers, and artists led by French engineer Benoit Faiveley, is set to send another time capsule to the moon.  The project, titled “Sanctuary on the Moon”, is part of NASA’s ambitious Artemis CLPS program and enjoys the support of UNESCO and the patronage of French … Read more