Apple Updates App Store Guidelines to Permit Game Emulators, Website Links in EU Music Apps

Apple today updated its App Store guidelines to comply with an anti-steering mandate levied by the European Commission. Music streaming apps like Spotify are now permitted to include a link or buy button that leads to a website with information about alternative music purchasing options, though this is only permitted in the European Economic Area. … Read more

The White House lays out extensive AI guidelines for the federal government

It’s been five months since President Joe Biden signed an executive order (EO) to address the rapid advancements in artificial intelligence. The White House is today taking another step forward in implementing the EO with a policy that aims to regulate the federal government’s use of AI. Safeguards that the agencies must have in place … Read more

Google’s new bulk sender guidelines spell trouble for B2B

Back in October, Google and Yahoo unveiled a pivotal update to their bulk sender guidelines. Launching February 1, these new regulations, which impact both bulk emailers (those sending over 5,000 emails daily to Gmail accounts) and general Gmail users alike, introduced authentication requirements and defined thresholds for spam complaints. Specifically, they defined a spam complaint … Read more

Could AI-designed proteins be weaponized? Scientists lay out safety guidelines

The artificial-intelligence tool AlphaFold can design proteins to perform specific functions.Credit: Google DeepMind/EMBL-EBI (CC-BY-4.0) Could proteins designed by artificial intelligence (AI) ever be used as bioweapons? In the hope of heading off this possibility — as well as the prospect of burdensome government regulation — researchers today launched an initiative calling for the safe and … Read more