How to easily create custom GPTs with ChatGPT

This guide will show you how to easily create custom GPTs with ChatGPT. In an era where artificial intelligence is revolutionizing the way we interact with technology, ChatGPT emerges as a game-changer with its latest update. This innovative feature allows users, especially those with Chat GPT Plus accounts, to craft custom GPTs within the Chat … Read more

Learn about Data Science using this custom GPT

The explosion of custom GPT AI models has only just begun and one such example is the creation of a Data Science custom GPT allowing you to learn more about the multidisciplinary field. That combines statistical analysis, data mining, machine learning, and big data analytics to extract insights and knowledge from structured and unstructured data. … Read more

Master Midjourney Style Tuner and create billions of custom styles

The Midjourney’s Style Tuner tool is an amazing new feature recently rolled out,  designed to transform the way you personalize artistic styles for AI creation. This new Midjourney feature is tailored to your individual preferences, enabling you to shape your creativity according to your unique aesthetic tastes. Offering the ability to create billions of different … Read more

New OpenAI GPTs custom versions of ChatGPT roll-out this week

At the first ever OpenAI DevDay Keynote Sam Altman introduced a new addition to the services offered by OpenAI in the form of customizable versions of its ChatGPT, simply called GPTs. These adaptable AI models offer you the ability to shape OpenAI’s AI models to fit specific tasks or objectives. Providing the ability for to … Read more