It’s World Sleep Day, and so you’d expect all of the top sleep brands to roll out the biggest discounts on the best mattresses, right? That’s definitely what I’d have expected, and I’m in a position to know about such things; I’ve been writing about mattresses for the past few years and I’m thoroughly well acquainted with all the ins and outs of mattress deals.
I have to tell you, though: I’m a little disappointed. Doing my rounds of all the main sleep brands this morning I’ve barely seen any mention of World Sleep Day, and seriously, come on guys. It’s a whole day dedicated to your stock in trade, but all I’m seeing is March sales, spring sales and a St. Patrick’s Day sale (cheers, Saatva).
Fortunately a handful of brands are making a bit of an effort this weekend; I’ve found that two of our top-rated mattresses are available right now for the lowest prices ever, another that’s almost the cheapest I’ve ever seen it, plus a deal from Purple that’s the best value I’ve seen even if it’s not the lowest price. These are the best mattress deals you’re likely to see this weekend; read on for all the details.
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