Ahora puedes alquilar el chip de IA más potente de Google: Trillium TPU impulsa a Gemini 2.0 y pondrá a AMD y Nvidia en alerta máxima

[ad_1] Trillium estuvo disponible de forma general sólo unos meses después del lanzamiento de la vista previa. El potente chip de IA ofrece más de cuatro veces el rendimiento del entrenamiento Google lo utiliza para entrenar Gemini 2.0, el modelo avanzado de IA de la compañía Google Tensor Processing Units (TPU), un acelerador de IA … Read more

This startup wants to take on Nvidia with a server-on-a-chip to eliminate what it calls an already flawed system — faster GPU, CPU, LPU, TPU or NIC will not deliver the leap that many firms are aiming for

[ad_1] According to Israeli startup NeuReality, many AI possibilities aren’t fully realized due to the cost and complexity of building and scaling AI systems.  Current solutions are not optimized for inference and rely on general-purpose CPUs, which were not designed for AI. Moreover, CPU-centric architectures necessitate multiple hardware components, resulting in underutilized Deep Learning Accelerators … Read more