Synology parchea vulnerabilidades críticas e insta a los usuarios a actualizar los dispositivos contra ataques sin clic

[ad_1] Synology corrige vulnerabilidades críticas de cero clic en dispositivos NAS Los atacantes pueden aprovechar las vulnerabilidades sin la interacción del usuario Se concedieron 260.000 dólares a investigadores por descubrir vulnerabilidades Synology parcheó recientemente una grave vulnerabilidad de seguridad en su sistema Dispositivo de personas Productos que podrían haber permitido a los piratas informáticos secuestrar … Read more

How to store photos on a Synology NAS

Most of us already have a vast collection of cherished photographs, each one capturing a unique moment in time. As this collection grows, organizing and safeguarding these memories becomes increasingly important. Especially if you would like to keep them locally rather than rely on cloud storage provided by third-party providers such as Apple, Google, Microsoft … Read more

Synology NAS Home vs Homes folders explained

If you have just purchased a Synology NAS you may have already encountered two folders that might cause a bit of confusion: “Home” and “Homes.” Understanding the purpose and function of these folders on your Synology NAS is crucial for anyone looking to manage their files effectively and ensure that privacy is maintained. The “Home” … Read more

Synology VisualStation VS600HD TV-wall Surveillance Station

The world of surveillance management has received a new addition with the launch of Synology’s VisualStation VS600HD. This compact monitoring and management client offers a comprehensive solution for managing surveillance systems, with a focus on user-friendliness, space efficiency, security, and compliance with US federal requirements. The VisualStation VS600HD is a groundbreaking addition to Synology’s Surveillance … Read more

How to speed up remote connections to your Synology NAS

If you are already accessing your files and documents from any corner of the globe, as if you were sitting right in your office, directly from your Synology Network Attached Storage (NAS). But feel you could do with a little extra speed when transferring files, documents and photographs. you will be pleased to know that … Read more

Synology DSM 7.2.1 features updated Active Insight and new performance metrics

Synology has announced the release of its DSM 7.2.1 operating system, an upgraded version of the Active Insight cloud service, and a new performance evaluation tool. These updates are designed to bolster resilience against potential threats and streamline the deployment process for customers and partners, enhancing their overall experience. The DSM 7.2.1 update is a … Read more

Synology Active Insight enterprise features update

Synology has this week announced new features have been added to its Active Insight technology. Specifically designed to offer users a robust solution for deployment monitoring. New features specifically designed to enhance the security and efficiency of large-scale deployments. This article will delve into the details of these new features, highlighting their benefits and implications … Read more