MultiON web based personal AI assistant and Rabbit R1 alternative

MultiON web based personal AI assistant and Rabbit R1 alternative

anyone looking for a little assistance when carrying out mundane online tasks might be interested in a new web-based personal AI assistant called MultiON. Imagine a world where your online tasks are handled with the click of a button, where booking a ride, filling out forms, or navigating complex websites is done for you by … Read more

Rabbit R1 pocket AI assistant upgrade and Perplexity collaboration

Rabbit R1 pocket AI assistant upgrade and Perplexity collaboration

The recently launched Rabbit R1, artificial intelligent (AI) pocket assistant which was launched earlier this year and has already sold a considerable amount of preorders. Has received an upgrade as well as a new collaboration with Perplexity AI a notable player in the AI market. This new upgrade to the Rabbit R1 isn’t just a … Read more

Rabbit R1 pocket AI computer and virtual assistant $199

Rabbit R1 pocket AI computer and virtual assistant 9

Rabbit has recently unveiled an advanced AI AGENT known as the Large Action Model (LAM), which is set to redefine the way we interact with technology. This AI is integrated into the new Rabbit R1 mobile device OS, offering a user experience that is centered around natural language processing. This means that you can now … Read more