Structure peer review to make it more robust

Structure peer review to make it more robust

In February, I received two peer-review reports for a manuscript I’d submitted to a journal. One report contained 3 comments, the other 11. Apart from one point, all the feedback was different. It focused on expanding the discussion and some methodological details — there were no remarks about the study’s objectives, analyses or limitations. My … Read more

Signs that ChatGPT is polluting peer review

Signs that ChatGPT is polluting peer review

Hello Nature readers, would you like to get this Briefing in your inbox free every day? Sign up here. Coloured functional magnetic resonance imaging of a healthy brain at rest.Credit: Mark & Mary Stevens Neuroimaging and Informatics Institute/Science Photo Library A new technique for measuring brain activity in anaesthetized animals, known as direct imaging of … Read more

Is ChatGPT corrupting peer review? Telltale words hint at AI use

Is ChatGPT corrupting peer review? Telltale words hint at AI use

A study suggests that researchers are using chatbots to assist with peer review.Credit: Rmedia7/Shutterstock A study that identified buzzword adjectives that could be hallmarks of AI-written text in peer-review reports suggests that researchers are turning to ChatGPT and other artificial intelligence (AI) tools to evaluate others’ work. The authors of the study1, posted on the … Read more