Gaston Bastiaens leaves Apple: Today in Apple history

[ad_1] April 19, 1994: Gaston Bastiaens, the executive in charge of Apple’s revolutionary new Newton MessagePad product line, parts ways with the company. “We can’t say whether he fell or was pushed,” says an Apple spokesman. Reports suggest that the departing Bastiaens, general manager of Apple’s personal interactive electronics division, is leaving due to his failure … Read more

Macintosh 512Ke enhances the Mac |Today in Apple history

[ad_1] April 14, 1986: The “low-cost” Macintosh 512Ke brings hardware upgrades — and a bit of confusion — to the low end of the Mac lineup. The Mac 512Ke is an “enhanced” (hence the “e”) model of the Mac 512K. The upgrade addresses complaints that the original Mac lacked enough memory. The 512Ke adds a … Read more

Today in Apple history: Early iPad rumor gets Apple fans buzzing

[ad_1] April 13, 2005: The tech world gets excited when a sketchy rumor suggests Apple is building a tablet computer. The Chinese-language report claims Quanta will build a 15-inch touchscreen tablet PC with detachable keyboard. Apple will supposedly ship the device in the first quarter of 2006. Things don’t turn out quite like that, but the … Read more

Apple-1 starts a computing revolution: Today in Apple history

[ad_1] April 11, 1976: Apple releases its first computer, the Apple-1. Designed and hand-built by Steve Wozniak, the computers are sold wholesale by “Steven” Jobs. To finance their manufacturing, Wozniak sells his HP-65 calculator for $500, while Jobs sells his Volkswagen van. Years later, in 2014, a working Apple-1 will sell at auction for $905,000. … Read more

Boot Camp lets Mac users run Windows: Today in Apple history

[ad_1] April 5, 2006: Apple introduces the public beta of Boot Camp, software that allows users with an Intel-based Mac to run Windows XP on their machines. Boot Camp will officially arrive in Mac OS X Leopard, which debuts at Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conference a few months later. Apple’s Boot Camp lets Windows run on … Read more

How to watch A Brief History of the Future online from anywhere

[ad_1] How to watch A Brief History of the Future From Drake’s DreamCrew production company, A Brief History of the Future looks to challenge the oft depicted dystopian view of the future and aims to use lessons from history and groundbreaking modern science to help viewers work toward a hopeful tomorrow. So keep reading, as … Read more

First iPad makes ‘magical’ debut in stores: Today in Apple history

[ad_1] April 3, 2010: The first iPad hits store shelves after months of anticipation. The tablet Apple CEO Steve Jobs called “magical and revolutionary” at its unveiling earlier in the year quickly becomes a major success. Jobs initially showed off Apple’s first tablet on January 27, 2010. And there had been rumors long before then. … Read more

Z80 SoftCard is Microsoft’s first hardware: Today in Apple history

[ad_1] April 2, 1980: Microsoft releases its first hardware product, the Z80 SoftCard. A microprocessor card that plugs into the Apple II, it allows the computer to run programs designed for the CP/M operating system, a popular OS for business software. Arriving several years before the first version of Windows, the Z80 SoftCard quickly becomes … Read more

Apple founded to sell Apple-1 computer: Today in Apple history

[ad_1] April 1, 1976: The Apple Computer Company is founded by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne. The trio sets out to sell the $666 Apple-1 computer. Apple will not officially become a corporation until January 3 the following year. By that time, Wayne is no longer a part of the business. This post … Read more

First iPad reviews hail game-changing tablet: Today in Apple history

[ad_1] March 31, 2010: The world gets its first sense of how Apple’s tablet measures up, as the first iPad reviews hit the internet. The consensus? That there’s no Flash, no USB, no multitasking — but Apple’s tablet offers an exciting new computing experience all the same. As USA Today writes, “The first iPad is … Read more