The Clone Wars, el huevo de Pascua que te perdiste en Skeleton Crew, Episodio 6

[ad_1] lucasfilm Contiene lo siguiente Spoilers leves Para el episodio final de “Star Wars: Skeleton Crew”. “Star Wars: Skeleton Crew” continúa la tradición iniciada en la serie animada “Clone Wars”.sobre todo en su descripción de planetas devastados por la guerra que hacen alarde de sensibilidades de inspiración … Read more

Skeleton Crew Episodio 4 continúa la tradición televisiva de Star Wars que comenzó con The Clone Wars

[ad_1] Matt Kennedy/Lucasfilm Este artículo contiene Spoilers Para Star Wars: Skeleton Crew, Temporada 1, Episodio 4, “No puedo decir que no recuerdo a Attin”. “Skeleton Crew” fue la mayor sorpresa relacionada con “Star Wars” desde que “Andor” arrasó en el mundo con su conmovedor drama político. Inicialmente … Read more

El planeta Clone Wars juega un papel en el Acólito

[ad_1] La primera aparición del planeta Karlak en la serie “Star Wars” se produjo en “A Friend in Need”, episodio 14 de la cuarta temporada de “The Clone Wars”. Ahsoka Tano (Ashley Eckstein) y Lux Bonteri (Jason Spacek) se dirigen allí para hablar con ellos. La hora de la muerte del mandalorianoDirigido por el malvado … Read more

Los fanáticos de Star Wars creen que han visto a uno de sus personajes favoritos de Clone Wars en el video de Acolyte BTS.

[ad_1] resumen Plo Koon podría aparecer en The Acolyte debido a su longevidad en Legends, y es posible que los fanáticos ya lo hayan visto en un video detrás de escena. Otro Jedi de las Guerras Clon también podría aparecer en The Acolyte, ampliando la lista de personajes potenciales. El programa se centra en nuevos … Read more

Today in Apple history: Psystar clone Macs go rogue

[ad_1] April 27, 2008: Psystar’s first Mac clones ship to customers. The new Open Computer means that, for the first time since the mid-1990s, there’s no need to assemble a “hackintosh” to run OS X on a non-Apple computer. Unlike previous clone Macs, however, these low-priced computers don’t come with Cupertino’s blessing. Naturally, a fight … Read more

Netflix’s official Atlas trailer puts Jennifer Lopez in another generic Terminator clone, but with Titanfall-like mechs

[ad_1] When we watched the teaser trailer for Jennifer Lopez’s new sci-fi movie Atlas, we said that it looked like a cross between Terminator and The Creator with Neon Genesis Evangelion-like mechs thrown in for good measure. And now that a longer trailer has dropped, we’re thinking much the same.  The new Netflix movie looks very entertaining, with lots … Read more

I miss the old Instagram – but the last thing I need is a clone from TikTok

[ad_1] I remember when Instagram first launched back in 2010, and all my mates at school were crowded around my friend’s iPhone 4 making our Instagram accounts and brainstorming cool handle ideas. Things have changed so much since then, and I truly miss the ‘old’ Instagram. That being said, I don’t think I miss it … Read more

Android’s Find My clone launches along with Apple-compatible tracker tags

[ad_1] Google thinks Apple’s Find My network is so clever it “borrowed” the idea. After announcing the system last year, Android’s Find My Device network is ready to locate misplaced handsets, tablets and tracking tags. Aside from an opportunity to mock Google for its “innovation,” the new system is relevant to iPhone users because Rolling … Read more

Radius System 100 kicks off clone Mac era: Today in Apple history

[ad_1] March 27, 1995: The Radius System 100, the first official Macintosh clone, launches. A high-end computer made by a company founded by several notable Macintosh alumni, this marvelous machine kicks off the era of clone Macs in grand fashion. However, it won’t be long until things take a turn for the worse. Radius System … Read more

Mac OS 8 ends Mac clone era: Today in Apple history

[ad_1] March 8, 1997: Apple renames the forthcoming Mac OS 7.7 update, calling it “Mac OS 8.” It’s more than just a name change, though: It’s a sneaky sucker punch that ultimately knocks out Mac clones. Unfortunately for Mac users, the updated operating system does not deliver the total top-to-bottom rewrite promised by Apple’s Project Copland. However, the renaming strategy … Read more