La tecnología BioPrint Cell BioPrint de L'Oréal con análisis de piel personalizado no invasivo presentada en CES 2025

[ad_1] loreal L'Oréal Cell BioPrint presentó el lunes un nuevo dispositivo llamado L'Oréal Cell BioPrint, que está diseñado para utilizar un enfoque no invasivo para proporcionar análisis de piel personalizados en unos pocos minutos. La compañía afirma que Cell BioPrint puede indicar a los usuarios la edad biológica de su piel, predecir cómo funcionarán ciertos … Read more

Human Cell Atlas mapea 37 billones de células humanas para identificar enfermedades

[ad_1] Esfuerzos para crear un mapa todo incluido Células humanas Dio un gran salto adelante. Investigadores asociados con Human Cell Atlas (HCA), un consorcio científico global, han publicado más de 40 estudios que detallan avances cruciales en el mapeo de los 37 billones de células que componen el cuerpo humano. Estos hallazgos, publicados el 20 … Read more

Scientists design super-battery made with cheap, readily affordable chemical element, Na — Salt-based cell has surprisingly good energy density and charges in seconds

[ad_1] Researchers at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) have developed a high-performance, hybrid sodium-ion battery that charges rapidly and offers impressive energy density.  This revolutionary prototype uses sodium (Na), a chemical element over 1000 times more abundant and cheaper than lithium (Li), the main component of conventional batteries. Generally, sodium-ion batteries … Read more

Visible Plus is one of the best cheap cell phone plans – and it just got even better

[ad_1] Visible Wireless Plus plan was already one of the best cheap cell phone plans money could buy, but it’s even better value now thanks to a host of excellent new features. The Visible Plus plan still costs $45/mo, but it now includes more generous mobile hotspot speeds, a free additional line for a smartwatch, … Read more

Scientists discover first algae that can fix nitrogen — thanks to a tiny cell structure

[ad_1] A Braarudosphaera bigelowii cell magnified 1,000-fold.Credit: Tyler Coale Researchers have discovered a type of organelle, a fundamental cellular structure, that can turn nitrogen gas into a form that is useful for cell growth. The discovery of the structure, called a nitroplast, in algae could bolster efforts to genetically engineer plants to convert, or ‘fix’, … Read more