El Real Madrid llora por Dani Carvajal: el defensa tiene un triple break

[ad_1] mia verdadero madrid Este domingo oficializó lo que ya era evidente. Dani Carvajal Sufre una grave lesión del ligamento cruzado. “Se ha confirmado que tengo una lesión grave del ligamento cruzado y tendré que pasar por el quirófano y estar de baja unos meses”.Así lo afirmó el propio futbolista la noche del sábado en … Read more

El drama criminal de Fox de la década de 2000, Prison Break, está prosperando en la cima de las listas de Netflix

[ad_1] veinte televisiones Si miras algunos programas desde una perspectiva mesurada, te darás cuenta de que no son tan buenos como recuerdas. Sin embargo, en algunos casos, este cambio en la calidad percibida –moldeado por la retrospectiva y la nostalgia– no es importante, siempre y cuando el programa … Read more

Después de 16 años, todavía estoy enojado porque Prison Break le hizo esto a mi personaje favorito.

[ad_1] resumen La historia de Mahoney en la temporada 4 de Prison Break involucra la muerte innecesaria de su hijo. Matar a Cameron fue un flaco favor para el personaje de Mahoney y solo sirvió para darle un propósito en la historia. La temporada 4 tuvo muchos problemas, incluido no saber qué hacer con Mahoney … Read more

Finally! After a 7-year wait, this monitor could well be the best pro-level 8K display ever — will Asus be able to break the curse of failed 8K monitor launches with the PA32KCX Mini LED pro screen?

[ad_1] Mini LEDs are typically found in gaming monitors. Unlike LCD backlights, they offer a broad contrast range, with deeper, near-OLED quality levels of black, that enrich and enhance the dynamism of both SDR and HDR content. Asus has brought Mini LED technology to the ultra-high-end business monitor market for the first time with its … Read more

Galaxy AI: Break language barriers with One UI 6.1 Live Translate and Interpreter

[ad_1] With the Galaxy S24, Samsung introduced Galaxy AI, a suite of AI-powered features useful in everyday tasks. Some of its features allow you to converse freely with people who don’t speak your language. It is handy when traveling outside your country or having international meetings. This article will explain how you can use Galaxy … Read more

Gut bacteria can break down artery-clogging cholesterol

[ad_1] Hello Nature readers, would you like to get this Briefing in your inbox free every day? Sign up here. A new drug consists of pieces of mRNA encased in a fatty envelope (artist’s impression).Credit: Kateryna Kon/SPL A therapy that extends mRNA technology beyond vaccines has shown early success in treating a rare genetic disease, … Read more

Gut bacteria break down cholesterol — hinting at probiotic treatments

[ad_1] Scientists have pinpointed human gut bacteria that have a useful tool: an enzyme that can convert artery-clogging cholesterol into a more harmless form that is not absorbed by the body. The finding points towards possible treatments for high cholesterol levels. Although the newly described bacterial species can metabolize cholesterol in the laboratory, whether they … Read more

How AI could make or break your career

[ad_1] These are already turbulent times for employees in the technology sector. Depressingly we’ve seen a fall in advertised vacancies and several mass layoffs initiated by both major companies and smaller startups. Yet, on the plus side we’ve also witnessed inflation-busting salary rises tough to fill positions. Now, in its predictions for 2024, the research … Read more

iOS 18 might break the iPhone’s iconic app grid, and it’s a change no one asked for

[ad_1] The iPhone and iOS are not messy. Throughout their nearly 20-year life they’ve embodied precision and consistency, with no design element left to chance. There’s never a detail unexplained or unaccounted for; and one thing you absolutely will not find, on either the phone itself or in its operating system, is wasted space. This … Read more