El mejor software antivirus 2023: mantenga protegida su PC o computadora portátil

Basado en la parte comercial de productos de seguridad de Sophos, Sophos Inicio Premium No es la herramienta más fácil de usar, pero si sabes lo que estás haciendo y tratas de ayudar a quienes no lo saben, es buena para el trabajo. Esto se debe a que todo se gestiona de forma remota a … Read more

Antivirus updates hijacked to drop dangerous malware

Imagine if your antivirus program infected your computer with malware – that’s exactly what happened to some eScan antivirus users recently. A new report from Avast has explained how a threat actor, possibly of North Korean affiliation, used a vulnerability in the antivirus program to sideload a backdoor called GuptiMiner.  Apparently, after obtaining an adversary-in-the-middle … Read more

This previously unknown malware has some crafty tricks for avoiding antivirus

Cybersecurity researchers from Trend Micro have uncovered a brand new piece of malware that uses an unusual method of hiding from antivirus programs. The malware is called UNAPIMON, and is apparently being used by Winnti, an established Chinese state-sponsored threat actor that was behind some of the most devastating attacks against governments, hardware and software … Read more

The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Antivirus Software

In an age where your grandma’s fridge can get hacked (no kidding!), the fight against cyber threats requires some next-level tools. Forget those boring, monotonous database updates; the real action happens when artificial intelligence steps into the arena of antivirus defense. Just think about it. The digital universe is expanding faster than a galaxy on … Read more