Google may have been storing your incognito browsing data and now they’ve agreed to delete it

Google may have been storing your incognito browsing data and now they’ve agreed to delete it

Bad news: Google‘s apparently been storing your Chrome incognito browsing data. Good news. They’ve finally agreed to delete it. In a court document filed Monday (April 1) and spotted by BGR, Google has agreed to settle a nearly four-year-old class-action suit that challenged Google’s private browsing (a.k.a. “Incognito Mode) data collection policies. The original lawsuit … Read more

DNA storage is coming, it’s just a matter of when not if — SNIA quietly unveils first specifications for storing bytes in DNA medium, an important first step towards almost ultra-cheap, limitless storage

DNA storage is coming, it’s just a matter of when not if — SNIA quietly unveils first specifications for storing bytes in DNA medium, an important first step towards almost ultra-cheap, limitless storage

Data will soon be able to be stored in DNA. French startup Biomemory has already shipped a DNA storage device to the general public. Now the DNA Data Storage Alliance, a technology affiliate of the Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA), has unveiled the first specifications for storing vendor and CODEC information within a DNA data … Read more