Nearly a million victims hit by massive BogusBazaar campaign — credit card details stolen, but here’s how to stay safe

[ad_1] Almost a million people around the world have fallen victim to a highly organized fraud campaign, which scammed them out of some $50 million in the past couple of years. According to a report from SRLabs, a group of cyber-criminals, supported by a wider network of affiliates, were organized into a crime ring dubbed … Read more

Thousands of Social Security numbers stolen from government firm

[ad_1] Hackers recently stole hundreds of thousands of social security numbers from an American consulting firm, with victims across the US possibly affected. Greylock McKinnon Associates (GMA) has filed a new report with the Office of the Maine Attorney General, and sent a breach notification email to affected individuals. In its filing, the company said … Read more

How to Setup Stolen Device Protection on Your iPhone

Apple’s new iOS 17.3 comes with a really useful security feature, Stolen Device Protection. Are you concerned about the safety of your iPhone, especially in unfamiliar locations? You’ll be pleased to know that with iOS 17.3, Apple introduces Stolen Device Protection, a feature designed to elevate the security of your device beyond the existing measures. … Read more

JLR Invests £10 million to combat stolen Range Rover problem

  JLR has announced that it has invested £10 million to combat the problem of stolen Land Rover and Range Rover vehicles in the UK, this has become a problem on vehicles that were produced from 2018 to 2022. Range Rover and Land Rover vehicles become some of the most stolen vehicles in 2022, with … Read more

Tracking the Digital Footprints: Investigating the Traceability of Stolen Cryptocurrencies

In the exciting realm of cryptocurrencies, where wealth can shift instantly, there’s a darker side hiding just out of sight. The theft of digital coins is sadly common, leading many to wonder if these vanished assets can be tracked down and reclaimed. Today, we’re going to delve into the intriguing realm of how crypto forensics … Read more