iOS 18 Rumor Recap: Smarter Siri, Design Changes, and More

iOS 18 Rumor Recap: Smarter Siri, Design Changes, and More

iOS 18 is still months away from being unveiled, but there are already several rumors and expectations for the software update, as outlined below. iOS 18 is rumored to include new ChatGPT-inspired generative AI features for Siri and many built-in apps, and Apple plans to add RCS support to the Messages app for an improved … Read more

10 Tips & Tricks to Help You Work Smarter on Your Mac

10 Tips & Tricks to Help You Work Smarter on Your Mac

We have some awesome Mac tips that are designed to improve your productivity on your Mac. In the digital age, efficiency and productivity are the keystones of success, especially for Mac users who often juggle multiple tasks in their daily computing lives. Whether you’re a newcomer to macOS or a veteran looking to streamline your … Read more

Is ChatGPT Smarter Than You?

Is ChatGPT Smarter Than You?

The current landscape of artificial intelligence is undergoing a rapid and transformative evolution, with the emergence of AI assistants like ChatGPT and Bard at the forefront of this technological revolution. These AI assistants, with their advanced linguistic capabilities, have the ability to create compelling narratives, translate languages with remarkable efficiency, and provide responses to intricate … Read more

New updates to GitHub Copilot make AI coding assistant even smarter

New updates to GitHub Copilot make AI coding assistant even smarter

The latest latest updates to Visual Studio Code (VS Code) and GitHub Copilot, have been designed to boost your productivity and make coding feel less like a chore, explains Microsoft. The enhancements to GitHub Copilot are particularly noteworthy. It’s now smarter than ever, providing coding suggestions that are precise and relevant to what you’re trying … Read more