KitchenAid Semi Automatic Espresso Machine Review: Quiet and Compact

KitchenAid is a brand that’s had a place in every home kitchen I’ve ever had, even growing up. When I bought my own KitchenAid stand mixer for the first time after college, my apartment finally felt like a place where a grown-up lived. My affection for that stand mixer cannot be overstated, so naturally my … Read more

Complete PCIe 6.0 subsystem solution from Alphawave Semi & Keysight

Alphawave Semi and Keysight Technologies have joined forces to create a cutting-edge solution for the latest PCIe 6.0 standard. This collaboration is a response to the growing need for faster data transfer rates, which are becoming increasingly important for the operation of sophisticated AI and high-performance computing systems. The new PCIe 6.0 standard is set … Read more