El incendio de un camión Tesla Semi requirió 50.000 galones de agua para apagarlo

[ad_1] Los bomberos de California necesitaron rociar 50.000 galones de agua para extinguir un incendio en la carretera Semirremolque Tesla La Junta Nacional de Seguridad en el Transporte (NTSB) de EE.UU. anunció en su informe que se había producido un incendio Informe preliminarLas tripulaciones también utilizaron un avión para arrojar materiales de extinción de incendios … Read more

KitchenAid Semi Automatic Espresso Machine Review: Quiet and Compact

[ad_1] KitchenAid is a brand that’s had a place in every home kitchen I’ve ever had, even growing up. When I bought my own KitchenAid stand mixer for the first time after college, my apartment finally felt like a place where a grown-up lived. My affection for that stand mixer cannot be overstated, so naturally … Read more

Complete PCIe 6.0 subsystem solution from Alphawave Semi & Keysight

Alphawave Semi and Keysight Technologies have joined forces to create a cutting-edge solution for the latest PCIe 6.0 standard. This collaboration is a response to the growing need for faster data transfer rates, which are becoming increasingly important for the operation of sophisticated AI and high-performance computing systems. The new PCIe 6.0 standard is set … Read more