African wild dogs with pleading eyes sparks rethink of dog evolution

[ad_1] “Puppy-dog eyes didn’t just evolve for us, in domestic dogs,” says comparative anatomist Heather Smith. Her team’s work has thrown a 2019 finding1 that the muscles in dogs’ eyebrows evolved to communicate with humans in the doghouse by showing that African wild dogs also have the muscles to make the infamous pleading expression. The … Read more

Do insects have an inner life? Animal consciousness needs a rethink

[ad_1] Growing evidence indicates that insects such as bees show some forms of consciousness, according to a new scientific statement.Credit: Phil Savoie/Nature Picture Library Crows, chimps and elephants: these and many other birds and mammals behave in ways that suggest they might be conscious. And the list does not end with vertebrates. Researchers are expanding … Read more

Researchers call for a major rethink of how Alzheimer’s treatments are evaluated

[ad_1] Credit: Taj Francis In January 2023, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved lecanemab — an antibody medication that decreases β-amyloid protein build-up in the brain — as a treatment for Alzheimer’s disease. Pivotal evidence came from a large, randomized trial of people with early-stage Alzheimer’s, which afflicts around 32 million people worldwide. … Read more

The world must rethink plans for ageing oil and gas platforms

[ad_1] One of world’s largest oil platforms, the North Sea’s Gullfaks C, sits on immense foundations, constructed from 246,000 cubic metres of reinforced concrete, penetrating 22 metres into the sea bed and smothering about 16,000 square metres of sea floor. The platform’s installation in 1989 was a feat of engineering. Now, Gullfaks C has exceeded … Read more