an early-career researcher’s checklist for prioritizing projects

an early-career researcher’s checklist for prioritizing projects

Deciding which projects to pursue can be daunting, but a simple framework can help you to decide which ones are the best fit.Credit: Biwa Studio/Getty All three of us have, at some point in our academic careers, taken on one too many projects. For example, M. P. is finishing his PhD programme in management at … Read more

Prioritizing Your Well-Being: Tips for Choosing a Medical Centre in Cranbourne

Prioritizing Your Well-Being: Tips for Choosing a Medical Centre in Cranbourne

Your health and well-being should always be a top priority. When seeking medical care, choosing a medical centre can significantly impact the quality of care you receive. If you’re in Cranbourne or its surrounding areas, you’re in luck, as there are several medical centres to choose from.  However, making the right decision can be daunting. … Read more