‘Mini liver’ will grow in person’s own lymph node in bold new trial

[ad_1] A person has received an experimental treatment for the first time that, if successful, will lead them to grow an additional, ‘miniature liver’. The procedure, developed by the biotechnology firm LyGenesis, marks the beginning of a clinical trial designed for people whose livers are failing, but who have not received an organ transplant. First … Read more

Google AI could soon use a person’s cough to diagnose disease

[ad_1] The field of audiomics combines artificial intelligence tools with human sounds, such as a coughs, to evaluate health.Credit: Getty A team led by Google scientists has developed a machine-learning tool that can help to detect and monitor health conditions by evaluating noises such as coughing and breathing. The artificial intelligence (AI) system1, trained on … Read more

The Lazy Person’s Guide to ChatGPT

Let’s face it, sometimes laziness isn’t a vice, it’s a survival strategy. In our hyper-connected world, constantly striving for peak productivity can be as exhausting as it is unrealistic. But what if there was a way to embrace your inner sloth while still getting things done? Enter ChatGPT, the AI-powered language model that’s like a … Read more