Could Tesla be about to make its own silicon? Even Elon Musk isn’t sure — but let’s wait and see if it wants to take on Samsung and TSMC

Could Tesla be about to make its own silicon? Even Elon Musk isn’t sure — but let’s wait and see if it wants to take on Samsung and TSMC

Although tech giants like Samsung and TSMC currently dominate the silicon landscape, Elon Musk has hinted that Tesla could potentially make its own chips in the future – and while the idea remains a tentative one, it’s certainly not beyond the realms of possibility. Tesla spends a fortune on silicon. Its Dojo ExaPod supercomputer boasts … Read more

Top AI researcher says AI will end humanity and we should stop developing it now — but don’t worry, Elon Musk disagrees

Top AI researcher says AI will end humanity and we should stop developing it now — but don’t worry, Elon Musk disagrees

Here’s something cheery to consider the next time you use an AI tool. Most people involved in artificial intelligence think it could end humanity. That’s the bad news. The good news is that the odds of it happening vary wildly depending on who you listen to. p(doom) is the “probability of doom” or the chances … Read more

Ketamine is in the spotlight thanks to Elon Musk — but is it the right treatment for depression?

Ketamine is in the spotlight thanks to Elon Musk — but is it the right treatment for depression?

Crystals of ketamine, which is growing in popularity as a treatment for depression and anxiety.Credit: M. I. Walker/Science Photo Library The drug ketamine is enjoying a second life. First developed as an anaesthetic that was used widely by US battlefield surgeons during the Vietnam war, it is growing in popularity for treating depression and other … Read more