How to use ChatGPT new GPT Mentions feature more effectively

With new advancements being made every week in the realm of artificial intelligence new features are being added to already existing AI models. One such tool that’s making waves is the new feature in ChatGPT known as GPT Mentions. This innovative addition is transforming the way we interact with text generation technology, making it simpler … Read more

How to use the new ChatGPT Mentions feature for custom GPTs

OpenAI has recently rolled out a new feature to ChatGPT which changes the way you can interact with the companies artificial intelligence. Last month OpenAI launched its highly anticipated GPT Store allowing users to share custom GPT AI models with other subscribers. The new update for ChatGPT, particularly focusing on the GPT-4 model is called  … Read more

New ChatGPT mentions lets you combine multiple custom GPTs

OpenAI has recently introduced an exciting update for ChatGPT subscribers that is poised to significantly improve the way they work with artificial intelligence and specifically OpenAI’s custom GPT Store and AI models. This update allows users to interact with multiple GPT models at once during a single chat session by simply calling them again, once … Read more

New GPT Mentions and Brave browser integrates Mixtral 8x7B

OpenAI has introduced a new feature called GPT Mentions, which is in its beta stage and allows users to summon and interact with custom GPT agents within the chat interface. This feature is designed to enable a variety of tasks, such as saving entries to Notion via Zapier integration and more. The release GPT Mentions … Read more