Lack of focus doesn’t equal lack of intelligence — it’s proof of an intricate brain

Lack of focus doesn’t equal lack of intelligence — it’s proof of an intricate brain

Imagine a busy restaurant: dishes clattering, music playing, people talking loudly over one another. It’s a wonder that anyone in that kind of environment can focus enough to have a conversation. A new study by researchers at Brown University’s Carney Institute for Brain Science provides some of the most detailed insights yet into the brain … Read more

OpenAI artificial general intelligence (AGI) developments

OpenAI artificial general intelligence (AGI) developments

OpenAI has reportedly made a significant breakthrough in artificial general intelligence (AGI) development, which has been somewhat obscured by other news and detailed in a research paper and blog post. The breakthrough involves advancements in video generation models, which are seen as a path toward creating general-purpose simulators of the physical world. These models, particularly … Read more

How artificial intelligence can help update your old code

How artificial intelligence can help update your old code

One of the most significant challenges developers and businesses face today is updating their outdated software, a task that can be both complex and costly. However, the emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) is offering a promising solution to this problem, simplifying the process of modernizing legacy code and making it more efficient and less expensive. … Read more

Artificial Intelligence vs Quantum Computing

Artificial Intelligence vs Quantum Computing

In the ever-evolving world of technology, two titans are making strides that could transform how we tackle some of the most challenging issues facing our society, including the pressing matter of climate change. Artificial intelligence (AI) and quantum computers stand at the forefront of this technological revolution, each with its own set of strengths and … Read more

4 Areas Artificial intelligence (AI) will advance during 2024

4 Areas Artificial intelligence (AI) will advance during 2024

2023 saw a huge explosion in Artificial intelligence (AI) with a wealth of AI models and services released from the likes of OpenAI, Microsoft, Google and others, paving the way to a new future in which we will harness the power of AI. This rapidly advancing sector of machine learning will again advance rapidly in … Read more

2024 Cybersecurity trends with the evolution of artificial intelligence

2024 Cybersecurity trends with the evolution of artificial intelligence

As we enter 2024, the cybersecurity landscape is evolving at a rapid pace. With each passing day, the sophistication of cyber threats increases, and the need for robust security measures becomes more pressing. In this ever-changing digital world, it’s imperative for individuals and organizations alike to stay informed and prepared to protect their digital assets. … Read more

Misconceptions about artificial intelligence (AI)

Misconceptions about artificial intelligence (AI)

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a term that often conjures up images of futuristic robots and machines taking over the world. However, Karmel Allison, a technical advisor to Microsoft’s CTO, Kevin Scott, offers a refreshing and insightful perspective on AI that challenges many of the common misconceptions surrounding this technology. With her extensive background in bioinformatics, … Read more

The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Antivirus Software

The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Antivirus Software

In an age where your grandma’s fridge can get hacked (no kidding!), the fight against cyber threats requires some next-level tools. Forget those boring, monotonous database updates; the real action happens when artificial intelligence steps into the arena of antivirus defense. Just think about it. The digital universe is expanding faster than a galaxy on … Read more