Homeworld 3 review: glorious space spectacle lost in the action

Review info Platform reviewed: PCAvailable on: PCRelease date: May 13, 2024 Emerging from the belly of a captured ship in developer Blackbird Interactive’s sci-fi strategy PC game Homeworld 3, my squadrons of fighters and bombers race to ambush the enemy. Each ship leaves a primary-colored exhaust trail against the black vacuum of space, and soon, … Read more

Homeworld 3 War Games demo available to play until Feb 12th 2024

Immerse yourself in the captivating world of Homeworld 3 with the “War Games Demo,” a limited-time event that promises to enthrall fans of strategy games. From February 5 to February 12, players can dive into a unique blend of real-time strategy and roguelike gameplay, available on Steam. This sneak peek into the much-anticipated Homeworld 3 … Read more