Samsung confirms next generation HBM4 memory is in fact Snowbolt — and reveals it plans to flood the market with precious AI memory amidst growing competition with SK Hynix and Micron

Samsung has revealed it expects to triple its HBM chip production this year. “Following the third-generation HBM2E and fourth-generation HBM3, which are already in mass production, we plan to produce the 12-layer fifth-generation HBM and 32 gigabit-based 128 GB DDR5 products in large quantities in the first half of the year,” SangJoon Hwang, EVP and … Read more

Baby quasars: Growing supermassive black holes

The James Webb Space Telescope makes one of the most unexpected findings within its first year of service: A high number of faint little red dots in the distant Universe could change the way we understand the genesis of supermassive black holes. The research, led by Jorryt Matthee, Assistant Professor in astrophysics at the Institute … Read more

SARMs: An Introduction to Growing Muscle Mass

SARMs, or selective androgen receptor modulators, are musculoskeletal health medications. SARM stands for selective androgen receptor modulators, a novel class of androgen receptor ligands. With the help of SARMs, which are effective androgenic medications, it is possible to gain muscle swiftly and safely without the harmful effects of typical anabolic steroids. Every gym rat dreams … Read more