Millions of devices still connect to this dangerous malware, despite the creators ditching it years ago

[ad_1] Millions of devices are still connected to the PlugX malware, despite its creators abandoning it months ago, experts have warned. Cybersecurity analysts Sekoia managed to obtain the IP address associated with the malware’s command & control (C2) server, and observed connection requests over a six-month period. During the course of the analysis, infected endpoints … Read more

Ditching daylight savings isn’t a new idea – here’s why it’s not happening again anytime soon

[ad_1] We’re approaching that time of the year that everyone dreads – the switch to Daylight Savings Time and the loss of a precious hour in bed that comes with it – and naturally people are asking whether it’s time to ditch daylight savings.  As my learned colleague explains in the article linked above, there’s … Read more