Epic blazes threaten Arctic permafrost. Can fire-fighters save it?

[ad_1] Fire season is approaching in the massive Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuge in east Alaska, where fires have long been allowed to burn unchecked unless they threaten human life and property. But as climate change increases the frequency of these fires, the land’s overseers are changing course. Working with scientists, refuge managers have designed … Read more

Huawei has a game-changing 10 Petabyte storage product — OceanStor Arctic uses exciting new technology that can beat tape AND hard drives

[ad_1] According to recent estimates, around 328.77 million terabytes of data are created each day. Storing that data is a challenge, so it’s no wonder that we’re seeing a number of new high-capacity storage technologies being introduced. In the past few months alone we’ve reported on a ceramic cartridge with a 10,000TB capacity, a 200TB … Read more

Arctic Air Pure Chill Air Cooler: Get the Best Air Quality

The Arctic Air Pure Chill personal air cooler offers respite from the heat and dry air. The key is Hydro-Chill Technology, which uses evaporative cooling to turn hot air into a chilly, pleasant ambiance. Because an air cooler cools fresh air, the air quality in the region it supplies is substantially improved. Humidification also helps … Read more