Small Businesses May Be Able To Break Into Missouri Weed Industry Early. What To Know

Small Businesses May Be Able To Break Into Missouri Weed Industry Early. What To Know

Small businesses and entrepreneurs in Missouri will soon have the first chance to apply for a special license to sell or manufacture marijuana, expected soon.

Sales of recreational weed in the state have exceeded expectations since beginning in February after voters approved an amendment last year to legalize adult use. But until recently, only well-known companies licensed to sell medical marijuana in Missouri have been able to cash in, and smaller companies have been left in limbo.

Under state law, the Missouri Department of Health and Aging Services must open applications for the Microbusiness Licensing Program, which is designed to give small businesses access to lucrative markets and target low-income communities living in historically underserved areas. . community and people with prior marijuana arrests, through September.

But the department said it plans to begin the process as early as this summer.

Applications are available until June 6, and the application window for the first round of microbusiness licenses will be open from July 27 to August 10.

Only a few permits will be issued in each congressional district through a lottery system.

Applicants must meet certain requirements, own a commercial building and be willing to pay $1,500 to be considered.

Those interested can find the app at

Here's what you need to know before applying to sell legal cannabis.

What is a Micro Business License and what are its requirements?

Micro-business licenses will be a way for the general public and business owners to enter the recreational cannabis market.

They differ from comprehensive licenses for large marijuana sales, cultivation and distribution facilities.

There will be two types of licenses for micro businesses: one for pharmaceuticals and one for wholesale business.

The microbusiness wholesale facility can grow up to 250 flowering plants at a time. This business can only sell cannabis products to other small businesses, not large pharmacies. And micro business dispensaries can only buy cannabis products from other micro businesses, not the big players.

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Some expect the restrictions to make it harder for these businesses to compete with the big dispensaries that have been selling since February, while others say it could mean micro-businesses will offer more boutique or artisanal cannabis products.

How much does a micro business license cost?

The application will cost $1,500 and then eligible candidates will be selected based on a lottery system administered by the Missouri Lottery, according to the state Department of Health.

If granted, the license is valid for three years and is renewable.

Unlicensed applicants will receive a refund of their application fee.

How much money does it cost?

In October, Missouri will issue six microbusiness licenses for a total of 48 microbusiness licenses in Missouri's eight congressional districts, according to the Department of Health.

Two of the six in the district will be external microclinics, four wholesalers.

For each application cycle, states will continue to issue at least six of these microbusiness licenses in each congressional district.

Over time, the department will be responsible for issuing 18 licenses in each congressional district for a total of 144 licenses. Additional microbusiness licenses may be issued by the department, but are not required.

How to choose microbusiness license?

According to the health department, the Missouri Lottery will be responsible for selecting candidates using certified software that generates random results.

All applications submitted by August 10, including the requested fee, will be entered into a raffle.

Applications will be sorted by congressional district and license type, asking for wholesalers or dispensaries.

Each application will then be assigned a "Sequential Applicant ID" so that applicant names and identities are not randomly mixed up in the process.

Each primary contact in the app will receive an email with their app ID before the giveaway.

The Department of Health will review applications in order of draw to determine eligibility for licensure. If any of the area's first six applications are rejected, or if an applicant is not granted permission, it will move on to the next eligible application.

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The state will post random lottery results at

After receiving six eligible entries from the district, the health department will notify the winners via email.

Can your name be on multiple apps to increase your chances?


The country's constitution states that companies can only apply for and receive microbusiness licenses.

According to the Department of Health, "an individual or entity may be included in a single application regardless of the number of participants."

If a person's name appears in more than one application, all applications with that person's name may be rejected.

What is the application schedule?

  • Applications and instructions will be available from June 6.

  • The application period will be open from 27 July to 10 August.

  • Between August 11 and October 2, the Missouri Lottery will draw tickets and winners will be notified and processed.

  • Micro business licenses will be issued from October 2 to 4.

  • In October and November, the department will review the minimum standards and suitability of issued permits.

  • On November 5, the department will begin returning non-selected applicants for licenses.

How fast can micro business sell halal jamu?

If companies already have the infrastructure to sell or develop their products, they can technically set up shop after getting the license in October.

Who is eligible for a micro business license?

To obtain a small business license, business owners must meet one of five conditions. Applicants do not need to meet all five requirements to obtain a micro business license, only one is sufficient.


Individuals who apply must have assets of less than $250,000 or an income of less than 250% of the federal poverty level, which will be $34,000 per person per year through 2022.

To qualify for a license in an income category a person must meet these financial criteria for at least three of the past 10 years to qualify.


People can get a microbusiness license if they live in a census tract where at least 30 percent of the population lives below the poverty line, or if they live in an area where the unemployment rate is 50 percent above the national average.

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Individuals who graduated from a non-accredited high school or who have lived in a zip code within a non-accredited school district within the past five years may also apply for the Microbusiness Licensing Program.

This includes Kansas City residents, as Kansas City Public Schools will not be accredited until 2022.

Communities Affected by Cannabis Prohibition

Eligible groups are persons with disabilities and their families who have been arrested, prosecuted, or convicted of nonviolent marijuana use.

Execution should take place by December 2021.

This category does not include those responsible for providing marijuana to minors or driving under the influence of marijuana.

Also eligible individuals who live in communities with at least 50% historically have higher incarceration rates than the rest of the state for marijuana-related charges.

Who does not meet the needs of life?

Medical cannabis license holders do not need to apply for a microbusiness license.

Business owners also cannot sell or manufacture marijuana if they have been convicted or convicted of a felony, except for most marijuana, felony charges of more than five years, and people on probation or parole for more than five counts. some years ago

According to the Department of Health, applicants must be fingerprinted to avoid disqualifying crimes. A fingerprint is required for any business owner with 10% or more voting or financial rights in the business.

Does the applicant need a building for registration?

Yes, according to the Ministry of Health, when applying for a micro-business license, the applicant must provide the address of the proposed pharmacy or wholesale business.

Can the applicant get a refund if he doesn't get the license?

Yes applications not selected in the drawing process will be returned in November.

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