I was tired of scrolling – his app woke me up and made me smarter

Whenever I pick up my smartphone, I’m confronted with the question, “Which app am I going to open?” More often than not, I open up an app that tells me the latest news from around the world or updates me on all the latest sports news. Because I’m a British man, I also have to keep on top of the weather forecast, so I always know when it’s going to rain.

More recently, I’ve been opening a completely different type of app. One that is doing me a lot more good and helping me be healthier and more mentally aware. It’s a brain training app called Impulse. There is no shortage of brain training apps and websites, but in my limited experience, there is isn’t a better one.

Homescreen heroes

This is part of a regular series of articles exploring the apps that we couldn’t live without. Read them all here.

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