Clock-watching could be killing your sleep – why clocks have no place in the bedroom

You wake up and check the clock – 2am, plenty of time left to fall back to sleep on your best mattress. Then you check again and this time it’s 3am, then 4am, and now you’re just lying there watching the clock tick closer to morning. While monitoring the time may seem like a smart way to ensure you’re getting the amount of sleep you need, this clock-watching might actually be the reason you can’t drift off.

“Many people feel ‘pressure’ to sleep, and clocks can have a negative effect when patients are sensitive to this,” explains Dr Jake Deutsch, board certified emergency physician and medical advisory board member for Oura. In our Oura review, we found this smart ring sleep tracker was excellent at monitoring your kip without invasive and anxiety-inducing numbers – and Dr Deutsch’s advice is to take the clock out of the bedroom altogether. And yes, this does include your phone. If it tells you the time, it’s a clock.

Should I sleep with a clock in the room?

Research has shown that watching the clock can lead to pre-sleep anxiety, resulting in later sleep onset latency – that means it takes you longer to get to sleep. Getting rid of the clock means you can’t watch the time, removing that source of anxiety and making it easier to get some quality rest.

If you’re worried about oversleeping without the clock in your room, consider covering the face or turning it towards the wall, so you can still hear your alarm. But Dr Deutsch believes if you prioritize your sleep hygiene, it shouldn’t be a problem. “I find you don’t need a clock in the bedroom when you have a sleep schedule to serve as a guide, rather than checking the time.” (And the best sleep trackers can help you keep an eye on how much shut-eye you’re getting.)

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(Image credit: Getty Images)

For Dr Deutsch, removing the clock is part of optimizing your environment for good sleep. “My sleep hacks include removing clocks, making the room pitch black, cooling the environment, and taking the phone out of the bedroom.”

What to do instead of watching the clock

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