Audio Pro C20 review: a wireless speaker that offers even more, and sounds even better

Audio Pro C20 review: a wireless speaker that offers even more, and sounds even better

Audio Pro C20: Two minute review The Audio Pro C20 has a lot of connectivity options. As anyone familiar with the category of best wireless speakers knows, a box of drivers that’s able to harness your home’s Wi-Fi network can offer superior sound to that afforded by a Bluetooth connection, whether music is accessed via … Read more

Interstellar signal linked to aliens was actually just a truck

Interstellar signal linked to aliens was actually just a truck

Sound waves thought to be from a 2014 meteor fireball north of Papua New Guinea were almost certainly vibrations from a truck rumbling along a nearby road, new Johns Hopkins University-led research shows. The findings raise doubts that materials pulled last year from the ocean are alien materials from that meteor, as was widely reported. … Read more

How a light touch registers on the skin

How a light touch registers on the skin

Researchers have identified a protein involved in sensing light touch in mice and in human neurons1. Access options Access Nature and 54 other Nature Portfolio journals Get Nature+, our best-value online-access subscription $29.99 / 30 days cancel any time Subscribe to this journal Receive 51 print issues and online access $199.00 per year only $3.90 per issue … Read more

Google fires engineer who protested at a company-sponsored Israeli tech conference

Google fires engineer who protested at a company-sponsored Israeli tech conference

Google has fired a Cloud engineer who interrupted Barak Regev, the managing director of its business in Israel, during a speech at an Israeli tech event in New York, according to CNBC. “I’m a Google software engineer and I refuse to build technology that powers genocide or surveillance!” the engineer was seen and heard shouting … Read more

Children with ‘lazy eye’ are at increased risk of serious disease in adulthood

Children with ‘lazy eye’ are at increased risk of serious disease in adulthood

Adults who had amblyopia (‘lazy eye’) in childhood are more likely to experience hypertension, obesity, and metabolic syndrome in adulthood, as well as an increased risk of heart attack, finds a new study led by UCL researchers. In publishing the study in eClinicalMedicine, the authors stress that while they have identified a correlation, their research … Read more

‘There is no cookie cutter female scientist’

‘There is no cookie cutter female scientist’

Julie Gould 00:0 Hello, and welcome to Working Scientist, a Nature Careers podcast. I’m Julie Gould. We’re starting off a new series of episodes where I’ll be sharing stories from female scientists in Latin America. Working as a scientist in Latin America comes with its challenges, whatever gender you identify with. There’s a severe lack … Read more