Installing Proxmox 8.1 virtualization platform on a Raspberry Pi 5

Installing Proxmox 8.1 virtualization platform on a Raspberry Pi 5

If you’re looking to transform your Raspberry Pi 5 into a powerful server virtualization platform, installing Proxmox 8.1 is a smart move. Proxmox is a powerful and efficient open-source software to simplify your server management.  This guide will walk you through the process, ensuring you can set up your Pi mini PC to handle a … Read more

Broadcom acquires VMware virtualization technology company

Broadcom acquires VMware virtualization technology company

Imagine you’re sitting down with a cup of coffee, and I’m about to tell you about something pretty big that’s happening in the tech world. You know how everything is connected these days, right? Well, Broadcom, a big player in tech, has just bought VMware, another heavyweight in the industry. This deal is a big … Read more