Bosch y Tenstorrent colaboran para unificar chips de automoción

[ad_1] El gigante industrial alemán Bosch se asociará con la startup estadounidense de chips Tenstorrent para desarrollar una plataforma para unificar los elementos centrales de los chips automotrices, dijeron ejecutivos de Tenstorrent. Los planes incluyen el desarrollo de un método estándar para usar bloques de construcción modernos. papas fritasllamados microchips, para crear sistemas que puedan … Read more

Firm headed by legendary chip architect behind AMD Zen finally releases first hardware — days after being selected to build the future of AI in Japan, Tenstorrent unveils Grayskull, its RISC-V answer to GPUs

[ad_1] Tenstorrent, the firm led by legendary chip architect Jim Keller, the mastermind behind AMD‘s Zen architecture and Tesla’s original self-driving chip, has launched its first hardware. Grayskull is a RISC-V alternative to GPUs that is designed to be easier to program and scale, and reportedly excels at handling run-time sparsity and conditional computation. Off the … Read more