La nueva Philips Hue Sync Box puede mantenerse al día con las velocidades de cuadro de su consola de juegos

[ad_1] Signify ha lanzado una Philips Hue Sync Box más preparada para el futuro, un dispositivo que la compañía conecta a su televisor y crea un espectáculo de luces sincronizado con el contenido que se muestra en la pantalla. A diferencia de Modelo original de 2019.Admite cuadro actualizado HDMI 2.1haciéndolo más adecuado para PS5 y … Read more

Philips Hue Sync TV App for Samsung TVs Gets Subscription Option and Music Mode

[ad_1] Philips Hue parent company Signify today announced an expanded relationship with Samsung, bringing the Philips Hue Sync TV app to additional countries, adding a Music Mode, and introducing a monthly subscription option. As of last year, Samsung TV owners have been able to download a Philips Hue Sync app that allows Samsung smart TVs … Read more

QNAP Qfile Pro mobile app receives File Sync and more

QNAP Systems the provider of network attached storage (NAS) solutions, has made release new features to its mobile backup and synchronization capabilities with the upgrade of its Qfile Pro mobile app. The primary enhancement is the integration of the Qsync Pro feature, a move that is expected to provide a comprehensive NAS file access, synchronization, … Read more

HyperHedra mesmerizing infinity LED lights with music sync mode

The Hyperspace company, known for their innovative LED light products, has once again return to its crowdfunding roots with the introduction of two new mesmerizing products – the HyperHedron and the HyperPyramid. These unique light products are the latest addition to Hyperspace’s line of infinity LED lighting, and they carry forward the company’s legacy of … Read more