La larga y espinosa historia de la nave espacial Boeing Starliner

La larga y espinosa historia de la nave espacial Boeing Starliner

si alguien dijera NASA Una década antes de eso EspacioX Construirán un nuevo vuelo para que los astronautas lleguen a la Estación Espacial Internacional antes que Boeing espacio La agencia probablemente se rió de esa persona y salió de la habitación. La NASA contrató a ambas empresas para construir naves espaciales en 2014. SpaceX, al … Read more

Boeing’s Starliner spacecraft may finally take its first crewed flight next week

Boeing’s Starliner spacecraft may finally take its first crewed flight next week

Boeing’s Starliner crew capsule, which has been and cost overruns amounting to roughly $1.5 billion, is about to take its first flight with humans on board. Boeing was chosen 10 years ago alongside SpaceX to develop a spacecraft that could ferry astronauts from US soil to the International Space Station (ISS), thus allowing NASA to … Read more