Climate velocities and species tracking in global mountain regions

[ad_1] Mountainous regions represent 25% of Earth’s land surface and are rich in biodiversity, owing in part to their steep climatic gradients and complex topography1,2. The assumption that mountain species are responding faster to anthropogenic climate change through rapid upward range shifts leading to potential mountaintop extinctions has attracted extensive research3,4,7,8,9. Whether species are closely … Read more

In most mammal species, males and females are the same size — or females are bigger

[ad_1] Hello Nature readers, would you like to get this Briefing in your inbox free every day? Sign up here. The most dimorphic species was the northern elephant seal (Mirounga angustirostris), where males had a mean mass 3.2 times that of females (Michele and Tom Grimm/Alamy) An analysis of more than 400 mammal species is … Read more