Los ciberdelincuentes utilizan discos duros virtuales para colocar RAT en ataques de phishing

[ad_1] Los expertos alertan del mal uso de los discos duros virtuales en campañas de phishing Las unidades virtuales se utilizan para colocar malware RAT en bandejas de entrada desprevenidas El vector de ataque es especialmente difícil de detectar mediante software antivirus. Los archivos de disco duro virtual montables, normalmente en formatos .vhd y .vhdx, … Read more

Rat neurons repair mouse brains — and restore sense of smell

[ad_1] Two research teams have demonstrated that adding rat neurons to mouse brains that were missing crucial cells could help the organs to recover function1,2. The experiments could help scientists to better understand how different species’ brains develop, and even aid efforts to grow ‘chimeric’ pigs with human organs that could be used for transplantation … Read more

Parents, Aunt Imprisoned After Over 50 Rat Bites Almost Kill Baby.

with Evansville, Indiana, a baby was found to be injured and covered with rat bites. The infant’s parents and an aunt have been accused in connection with the incident. According to the investigation papers that were obtained by NBC affiliate WFIE and analyzed by TODAY.com, on the morning of September 13, 2023, the 6-month-old child … Read more