Protein in embryo cells might be a reason for right- or left-handedness

[ad_1] Hello Nature readers, would you like to get this Briefing in your inbox free every day? Sign up here. Credit: incamerastock/Alamy Left-handed people are almost three times more likely to have rare variants in the genes for tubulins, proteins that build cells’ internal skeletons. Tubulins assemble into long filaments called microtubules, which control the … Read more

Right- or left-handed? Protein in embryo cells might help decide

[ad_1] Dozens of genetic factors have been associated with left-handedness, which occurs in roughly one in ever ten people.Credit: incamerastock/Alamy To what extent do genes determine how you pick up your morning cup of coffee? Researchers examined rare genetic variants from a database of more than 350,000 individuals’ genetic data to hunt for clues for … Read more

Blueprinting extendable nanomaterials with standardized protein blocks

[ad_1] Natural and previously designed proteins exhibit a wide range of helical geometries with local irregularities, kinks and deviations from linearity16 that make it difficult to achieve the properties illustrated in Fig. 1 that enable simple nanomaterial scaling (beyond the one dimension accessed by varying the number of repeats in a repeat protein or coiled … Read more