physicist who predicted boson that explains why particles have mass

[ad_1] Credit: Toni Albir/EPA/Shutterstock During a few weeks in the summer of 1964, Peter Higgs, a theoretical physicist at the University of Edinburgh, UK, wrote two short papers outlining his ideas for a mechanism that could give mass to fundamental particles, the building blocks of the Universe. His aim was to rescue a theory that … Read more

Roll-to-roll, high-resolution 3D printing of shape-specific particles

[ad_1] Particles on the scale of hundreds of micrometres to nanometres are ubiquitous key components in many advanced applications including biomedical devices1,2, drug-delivery systems3,4,5,15, microelectronics12 and energy storage systems16,17, and exhibit inherent material applicability in microfluidics6,7, granular systems8,9 and abrasives14. Approaches to particle fabrication inherently have trade-offs among speed, scalability, geometric control, uniformity and material … Read more