The European Union is investigating Meta’s election policies

The EU has officially opened a significant investigation into Meta for its alleged failures to remove election disinformation. While the European Commission’s statement doesn’t explicitly mention Russia, Meta confirmed to Engadget the EU probe targets the country’s Doppelganger campaign, an online disinformation operation pushing pro-Kremlin propaganda. Bloomberg’s sources also said the probe was focused on … Read more

The EU is already investigating Apple, Meta and Google over fees and defensive policies

We had the first wave of changes and tweaks to Apple, Google and other big tech companies’ policies and services just before the EU’s sweeping Digital Markets Act (DMA) took a harder line against monopolistic behaviors and practices. See: third-party app stores with Apple, the option to pay for Facebook (haha!), the ability to choose … Read more

Tracking the Digital Footprints: Investigating the Traceability of Stolen Cryptocurrencies

In the exciting realm of cryptocurrencies, where wealth can shift instantly, there’s a darker side hiding just out of sight. The theft of digital coins is sadly common, leading many to wonder if these vanished assets can be tracked down and reclaimed. Today, we’re going to delve into the intriguing realm of how crypto forensics … Read more