Por qué los Broncos creen que el reciente ascenso de Bo Nicks es “sólo la punta del iceberg”

Por qué los Broncos creen que el reciente ascenso de Bo Nicks es “sólo la punta del iceberg”

ENGLEWOOD, Colorado – Mientras Joe Lombardi ayuda a construir planes de juego llenos de jugadas que ha hecho malabares durante más de una década, a veces pierde de vista cuán relativamente nuevos son esos esquemas y conceptos para el mariscal de campo con el que está trabajando ahora. “Le estaba diciendo que todavía hay jugadas … Read more

Do nearly all Indian men wear turbans? Generative AIs seem to think so, and it’s only the tip of the AI bias iceberg

Do nearly all Indian men wear turbans? Generative AIs seem to think so, and it’s only the tip of the AI bias iceberg

While bias in generative AI is a well-known phenomenon, it’s still surprising what kinds of biases sometimes get unearthed. TechCrunch recently ran a test using Meta’s AI chatbot, which launched in April 2024 for over a dozen countries including India, and found an odd and disturbing trend. When generating images using the prompt “Indian men,” … Read more

Plagiarism in peer-review reports could be the ‘tip of the iceberg’

Plagiarism in peer-review reports could be the ‘tip of the iceberg’

Mikołaj Piniewski is a researcher to whom PhD students and collaborators turn when they need to revise or refine a manuscript. The hydrologist, at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences, has a keen eye for problems in text — a skill that came in handy last year when he encountered some suspicious writing in peer-review … Read more