The US Congress is taking on AI —this computer scientist is helping

[ad_1] Half a dozen AI scientists have moved to Washington DC to advise the US Congress.Credit: Mandel Ngan/AFP via Getty Regulation of artificial intelligence (AI) is booming in the United States. Since 2016, federal lawmakers have passed 23 AI-related bills into law1, many more than any other country. Now AI scientists are joining the action, … Read more

“Doing more with less”: NetSuite founder on AI — and why it might actually go a long way to helping boost traditional industries such as accounting

[ad_1] As AI becomes more of a common presence in my companies and organizations across the world, questions are inevitably being asked about the effect the technology will have on human jobs. With its core task of taking large and complex sets of data, analyzing it to find trends or anomalies, and creating detailed reports, … Read more

How Crestron AV-over-IP solution is helping this eSports and hotel business thrive

[ad_1] How much is a million? Here’s one example: If you took one million US dollar bills and laid them end to end, the chain of cash would stretch for 96.9 miles — roughly the distance from Manhattan to the Hamptons out on Long Island. Piling those same bills vertically would yield a stack well … Read more